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Caching Docker Layers on CI


For as long as I’ve built Docker images on CI, I’ve fought the layer caching problem. Working on Haskell projects of many dependencies, an un-cached multi-stage build can take close to an hour. That’s a deal-breaker for deployments, where ten minutes is a reasonable maximum.

At some point, Circle quietly released a docker_layer_caching flag in their setup_remote_docker Workflow step, and I happened to get the main Restyled image (restyled/restyled.io) into the beta. It was hit-or-miss generally, but it’s now being hard-blocked behind a very expensive pay wall – hence my renewed interest in alternatives.

For a time, I wired up a Rube Goldberg string of webhooks to get my images building on Quay.io, because it supposedly offered good layer caching. After seeing a 0% hit rate, I emailed support. They said, and I’m only paraphrasing slightly here, “That’s broken right now, and we have no timeline for fixing it.”

Most recently, I went back to Docker Hub (or is it Docker Cloud?), because they have a wonderful Automated Builds interface with a little “Cache Layers?” check box; it seemed to work perfectly! The only issue?

  1. Just having my Automated Builds trigger reliably at all was rare, and
  2. There’s no way to just build every push to a tag that is the git sha

I decided it was time to just handle the process myself. The answer was an implementation of the Remote Image Cache section of this blog post, which I’ll now detail.

The Basics

The basics of this solution are simple:

  1. Pull the last image you built first
  2. Build using --cache-from <that>
  3. Push what you built, for next time

Pretty easy:

# Pull whatever you built lastdocker pull restyled/restyled.io:x# Build new, using prior work as much as possibledocker build \  --tag restyled/restyled.io:x \  --cache-from restyled/restyled.io:x \  .# Update the cachedocker push restyled/restyled.io:x# Actual deploymentdocker tag restyled/restyled.io:x restyled/restyled.io:proddocker push restyled/restyled.io:prod

As usual, there is ample incidental complexity:

  1. We probably want branch-specific tags, and a fallback to master

    Each PR should work with its own cache, and the first push should start with master as its cache.

  2. Doing this with multi-stage builds is, annoying

    See below.

Multi-stage 101

For compiled software, it’s common to use a multi-stage Docker build:

# Stage 1FROM fat-image-with-compiler-toolchain AS builderRUN mkdir -p /srcWORKDIR /srcCOPY src .RUN make my-exe# Stage 2FROM slim-imageRUN mkdir -p /appWORKDIR /appCOPY --from=builder /src/my-exe /app/CMD ["/app/my-exe"]

This results in a slim final image, which only contains the executable (and possibly other runtime libraries). And if you’re doing all your builds on a single machine, caching Just Works. But if you’re trying to use --cache-from, you can’t push and pull just the final image, since it won’t have any of the builder layers (by design). Somehow, you have to separately build, push, and pull the builder stage too.

The Not-So-Basics

Accounting for said incidental complexity, here is what I’m actually doing…

Let’s assume some inputs:

# Git branch name, sanitized for use as an image tagbranch=# The (REGISTRY/)NAME(:TAG) you actually want to deployimage=# The (REGISTRY/)NAME image, without any TAG (hence _base)image_base=

And the following two helper functions:

docker-pull-tag(){# Given remote and local image names, pull {remote}, then tag it as {local}}docker-tag-push(){# Given remote and local image names, tag {local} as {remote}, then push it}

(Please forgive the hand-waving here, there are links to full source code at the end.)

1- Load Cache

First, try to pull an image tagged for our branch, then master, then entirely un-prefixed. Stop on the first one to succeed. Each step tags the pulled image to the same thing, so we can use that tag later, and we’ll be working with the most specific cache image we were able to find.

For each of these, we have to pull two images: one with the suffix -builder, for our first stage, and another (un-suffixed) one for our runtime image. Wrap it up in a function for the convenience of return and an overall || true (so as to not anger the set -e gods).

pull_cached(){echo":: Pulling cached images for $branch"docker-pull-tag"$image_base:$branch-builder""$image_base:builder"&&docker-pull-tag"$image_base:$branch""$image_base"&&return 0echo":: Pulling cached images for master"docker-pull-tag"$image_base:master-builder""$image_base:builder"&&docker-pull-tag"$image_base:master""$image_base"&&return 0echo":: Pulling unprefixed cache images"docker-pull-tag"$image_base:builder"&&docker-pull-tag"$image_base"}pull_cached||true

2- Build

Next, build the stages separately, so that we can store a cache image of each stage. The second, runtime build also uses the first image as a cache source, so this is negligibly slower than doing it all at once.

echo":: Building builder image"docker build \  --tag "$image_base:builder" \  --cache-from "$image_base:builder" \  --target builder \"$@" \  .echo":: Building image"docker build \  --tag "$image_base" \  --cache-from "$image_base:builder" \  --cache-from "$image_base" \"$@" \  .

3- Store Cache

Finally, push the cache images back. We always update our branch tags and the un-prefixed ones. We don’t update master here since we wouldn’t want to do that from a non-master branch. And if we’re actually on master, then branch=master anyway.

echo":: Pushing cached images for $branch"docker-tag-push"$image_base:builder""$image_base:$branch-builder"docker-tag-push"$image_base""$image_base:$branch"echo":: Pushing unprefixed cached images"docker-tag-push"$image_base:builder"docker-tag-push"$image_base"

NOTE: I actually put this before the build step as a trap,

push_cached(){echo":: Pushing cached images for $branch"docker-tag-push"$image_base:builder""$image_base:$branch-builder"docker-tag-push"$image_base""$image_base:$branch"echo":: Pushing unprefixed cached images"docker-tag-push"$image_base:builder"docker-tag-push"$image_base"}trap'push_cached || true' EXITecho":: Building builder image"# ...

If the second build fails, we would still preserve a cache of the first.

4- Deploy

And then, do whatever it is you need to actually deploy the thing…

echo":: Pushing final image"docker-tag-push"$image_base""$image"

Installation & Usage

The scripts involved can be found here.

You’ll just need the 3 docker- files on $PATH, then usage is:

docker-build-remote-cache <[REGISTRY/]NAME[:TAG]> [DOCKER BUILD OPTION...]

The script assumes you have two stages, and the first uses AS builder. I’d gladly welcome a PR that makes that configurable, perhaps by script argument.


If you’re using Circle, and your current step isn’t doing anything particularly exotic, you should be able to use my actual restyled/ops image for this and swap out docker build with docker-build-remote-cache:

version:2.0jobs:image:docker:-image: restyled/ops:v5steps:- checkout-setup_remote_docker:version:18.09.3-run:name: Build          command: |            docker login \              -u "$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME" \              -p "$DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD"            # The goods 👇            docker-build-remote-cache \"your-registry/$CIRCLE_PROJECT_NAME:$CIRCLE_SHA1"

You can also verify your build locally first. Within your repository, run:

docker run -it --rm \  --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \  --volume "$HOME"/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json:ro \  --volume "$PWD":/build:ro \  --workdir /build \  restyled/ops:v5 docker-build-remote-cache <registry/image:tag>

The best part is the caching from this local build is re-usable on CI. If you push to CI from the same branch, you should see a 100% cached build.


For restyled/restyled.io, where an un-cached build can take up to an hour, most of my PRs have been finishing the image job in around 5 minutes. So incurring the transfer cost of moving all the images around seems well worth it. And by putting this all inside the restyled/ops image, which can be used directly as a Circle job’s environment, I can “port” this to all my projects trivially.

Using cache 

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